Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Queueing In China

I think what irks me most in China is the queuing system or the lack thereof. When I first came here it is almost certain my visits to supermarkets or any store for that matter, would cause a friction between the local shoppers and me. I'm always amazed at how people are able to cut queues and do it so nonchalantly. It's as if I don't exist!

Whether I'm in line trying to pay for my goods or when I'm checking out a showcase, there's always someone moving directly in front of me or blocking my view altogether. Even when I'm at the paying counter a lady would coolly walk up next to me and put all her newly selected clothes right on my arms when I'm trying to sign my credit card receipts! I'm tall for an Asian woman, I must tell you. It's really quite impossible to miss my presence. This never fails to get on my nerves.

In the beginning I would just stare and glare at the guilty party and then I became more aggressive due to my increased annoyance and I would then proceed to tell some of them off in my terrible, broken Chinese. I don't even know whether they'd understand what I'm saying. I don't even know what I'm saying, at times. I just had to get it off my chest.

So, I was in the bakery last week attempting to buy some bread. There was a customer in front of me paying for her bread and then it's my turn (or so I thought). I then saw this man behind the buyer in the opposite end. He was proffering his money so impatiently that I glared at him. How dare this guy (rude guy)! Can't he see that I'm first in line? Can't anyone in this country queue properly?

I glared at him some more but didn't say anything this time (I'd been praying to God to love others so I guess God helped me a little bit here). When he had paid, the cashier looked at me and said to me "please queue up" and proceeded to point out to me the long line behind the rude guy!

I had to (with my tail between my legs) go and queue up behind all those people. Oh gosh, why didn't I see the long line? Well, this must be one of those one off-days where my sense of prejudice got the better of me..or had I missed the queue on the opposite line more than once? I have no idea. Lesson number 2 million and 67 learnt with a red face. :)


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