Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Fascination with Near Death Experience (NDE)

I’ve been watching many near-death experiences (NDE) posted on YouTube lately.  I’ve always been fascinated by the afterlife.

NDE refers to personal experiences associated to impending death. Most people who had gone through this described a detachment from the body and the presence of a tunnel of light. They would then ‘float’ up towards the intense light and are able to look at their bodies as they look down below.

They were engulfed by a sense of warmth and of ‘unconditional love’, peace and painlessness.  Some of them would then encounter a ‘man covered in light’ or ‘dressed in white’. Many noticed that this man has beautiful, streaming blue eyes, full of love and warmth.  Some of them would be reunited with deceased loved ones.

Some described their visit to a beautiful place full of vivid colors and streets of gold and some came back describing the most awful place of fire and torment.

Whatever it is, they came back changed.  Some atheists came back to seek Jesus and Christianity. Those who couldn’t put a name to this phenomenon should seek out Jesus and Christianity.

In the Bible, we are told that “God is light and there is no darkness in Him at all” 1 John 1:5, ”God is love” 1 John 4:8 and Isaiah 9:6 Jesus is the “Prince of Peace”.

I’m reminded of my own experience encountering The Lord. When I gave birth to my first child, I had to go for c-section because my cervix did not dilate properly in time for the birth. I was terribly afraid and I prayed that the Lord Jesus be with me. I went under using general anesthesia and when I woke up, I saw a man in white standing by the wall nearby. A feeling of love flooded my whole being and I cried uncontrollably. The doctor curiously asked whether I was in pain and I told her that I was not.   

I'm also reminded of my mother on her deathbed. She made a motion with her hand to an empty space on the opposite side of the bed “Lyn, who is this?” she asked me twice. I could not see anyone there and I told her so. She was a Christian and I’m full of peace with her passing.

I was recently told about another person I knew who was dying of cancer. A week before he died, he asked his wife ‘who is the dark man you’ve allowed into the house?” Later “why are there so many dark people in our house?” Although I’m not certain who they were, the existence of the spirit world cannot be denied.

One things is for sure though, God says..

Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

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